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Flexible working: learning to embrace the new normal

Written on 02.03.22

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Flexible or hybrid working as it is often called is not a new concept; however, it has been on the rise in the last couple of years, and by necessity flourished during the COVID-19 pandemic.

With the government restrictions eased in July this year, we’re starting to see a growing trend in the number of people working from home, either fully remote or on a hybrid level. In these uncertain times, we’re learning to embrace this new normal.

Employees want it

In the current climate, increased flexibility appears to be in demand by many employees. Gone are the days where juggling work and family commitments would lead employees on the highway to burnout.

In 2021, such flexibility allows employees to balance their personal life with their professional life. Statistics show that a person spends an average of 13 years of their life at work.

According to the Office for National Statistics, when COVID hit in early 2020, there were 46.6% of people working from home, however, 86% of them did so as a direct result of the pandemic.

An annual survey conducted by Owl Labs identifies hybrid working models as being critical in the workplace. As 52% of global employees work at least once a week remotely, 41% of these are more likely to resign if the flexibility will be taken away. This is an urge to adopting a hybrid approach to avoid the scenario of losing talent.

Some employers are sceptical about flexible working

It appears that many companies avoid offering this way of working, as they fear that employees will no longer be productive or work hard enough. Some could argue against it or some towards it. Just as a relationship, the flexible work scheme must be based on mutual trust.

Flexible working, also very often named ‘hybrid working’, combines work from home with at least 2-3 days per week from the office. In principle, it may appear as a suitable scheme for parents who have a busy life at home. Ultimately, the happy medium should be what suits both the employer and the employee.

Flexible working at Aurora

Here at Aurora, we believe in trust and Togetherness, and this is how we have been able to grow as a business and stay agile in a hybrid work environment.

After interviewing employees around the business, we have found out the vast majority of them have worked mainly remotely or combined it with office working throughout the last year.

Younger generations are driving the change

They have different perspectives and demands. This generation is more aware of company cultures, inclusion, diversity, sustainability, and a healthy work-life balance.

According to a study by Deloitte,  salary is not a deciding factor as much as it used to be, but more importantly, they want to align their values and beliefs with the organisation they chose to work for.

Other Fortune studies show that almost two-thirds of Generation Z and Millennials are looking for a permanent work from home role. To attract and retain bright talent, organisations will have to rethink the benefits they now offer.

Keeping up to speed with evolution and technology is not only a way to gain a competitive advantage within the market, but it has become a must in retaining Gen Z and Millennial talent.

Bringing it together

Arguably, most organisations have embraced with success hybrid working. What was once just a necessity of the pandemic has now become the new normal. It will be just a matter of time until it will become a permanent fixture across workplaces.

If you’d like to learn more about us, email: or call on 020 7503 3000.

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