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Improving Your Business Through Print Management

Written on 20.10.22

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Want to know how to improve your business through print management? Our latest blog will give you all the know-how on outsourcing print management and its benefits in the workplace.


What Are Print Management Services?


Print management takes care of your company’s printing needs – meaning your business can focus on more important tasks. Outsourcing solutions for print are often cost-effective, and allow you to get professional expertise which gives you the best solution available.


There is a multitude of services and solutions for print management, including queue management, driver management, monitoring, control and security, cloud printing and much more! Aurora provides the best services for your business, accommodating your business goals and budget. 


How Can It Benefit My Business?


There are lots of perks to print management. Starting off, when you outsource your print, you are able to tailor a plan designed to suit your business needs. These features will enhance your operations. You will also be given client support, ready to assist with any queries you have – whether it’s a major tech issue or simply ordering new toner. 


Print management service providers will also know the best and most trusted manufacturers on the market, meaning your print technology will be efficient and well-suited to your business. All the latest technology will be on hand, so you will be getting the best of the best. 


Here is a snapshot of some other benefits that come with using Aurora’s managed print service.




1. Cost saving


Managing your print infrastructure efficiently will undoubtedly reduce your printing costs by at least 20%, not forgetting your energy bills. For example, you can automate document workflow within your company, meaning you can set rules, such as duplex or even mono printing for certain documents to encourage your employees to print in smarter ways, saving on paper, toner and electricity. Without such a system in place, often employees and staff tend to print an unnecessary amount of documents in the wrong format, which effectively just go straight in the bin. All this wastage adds up, and in turn, affects your bottom line and sustainability efforts.


2.  Analytics



Wondering how much, how often and what your employees are printing? Print tracking software, like PaperCut, can further home in on the types of jobs and the volume of prints each printer is actually handling. This real data determines where exactly your print fleet is the most wasteful and how much it is costing you, which allows you to make more economical and strategic improvements.


3. Security


When it comes to all that carelessly binned paper, not only can it haemorrhage cash from your company, but it can also pose a security and privacy breach. A document release system ( secure print release) could do the trick, and only print when you release the document from the printer, utilising software such as Papercut. This practice is often referred to as Follow Me Printing or Secure Printing, which requires a user to scan an ID card, enter a PIN or use a smart device in order to release the print. This ensures documents containing sensitive information aren’t just left hanging around on the outbound tray, as well as significantly reducing the printing of unnecessary or unwanted documents (yet another cost saving)



4. Environmental Impact


Automating document workflows, utilising Follow Me printing software (like Uniflow), and analysing your print consumption are all steps in the right direction at reducing your company’s carbon footprint, along with working towards your sustainability objectives. You will ultimately streamline your print fleet and reduce toner and paper wastage, which has the additional benefit of reducing your energy consumption and in turn protecting your company’s bottom line.


How will Aurora help?


Not only will you be gaining expertise from Aurora’s stellar team, but we also give you full ownership of your printing experience. Tailoring plans to your unique business needs and providing solutions to your business that enhance productivity and efficiency is what Aurora does best. 


Your business will also gain value from our product range. From high-performing but cost-effective tech to the most sophisticated products on the market – we will tailor our services to your business to get your print performing at its most optimal. 


Want to discuss your print management options? Phone us on 0203 7722617 or email

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